Skit makers now risk arrest if they release their skits or contents without the approval of the relevant government agency. This announcement might be shocking to the industry players but that is the reality and regulations. The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) announced plans to arrest skitmakers releasing online content without approval. The board, led by Shaibu Husseini, issued a social media statement warning filmmakers and content creators to stop producing, promoting, and distributing unapproved content on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. The statement expressed growing concern over the proliferation of content violating Nigeria’s censorship laws. “The attention of the National Film and Video Censors Board has been drawn to the activities of some unscrupulous filmmakers/content creators who are clearly flouting the provisions of the country’s law with impunity,” it began. The NFVCB specifically targeted same-sex content, declaring it illegal i...
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